Using the Problem Posing Model as an Effort to Improve Elementary School Students' Learning Outcomes in Mathematics Learning: A Classroom Action Research
problem posing, learning model, learning outcomesAbstract
The learning model is one of the most important aspects to consider in implementing the learning process. The use of learning models greatly determines the technical learning process. This is because each learning model has its own characteristics. This study aims to improve the mathematics learning outcomes of elementary school students by using the problem posing learning model. This study is a mixed study with the type of classroom action research. The subjects of this study were fourth grade elementary school students. Determination of subjects was carried out using the total sampling technique. The data for this study were obtained using interview, observation and test techniques. The data obtained were then analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques. This study was carried out in three cycles. The results showed that the use of the problem posing model can improve student learning outcomes. This can be proven by the achievement of student learning outcomes that continue to increase in each cycle with details of the percentage of completion of the first cycle of 52.63%, then in the second cycle it increased again to 68.42% and in the third cycle to 84.21%. Therefore, the problem posing model can be used as a reference for mathematics learning models at the elementary school level.
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