Effectiveness of Using Canva Application as Learning Media in the Digitalization Era


  • Muhammad Farhan Ananda Siregar Universitas Negeri Medan Author
  • Liana Atika Universitas Negeri Medan Author
  • Rosma Siregar Universitas Negeri Medan Author


Canva, learning media, technology


The role of information technology is very important in the current learning process. Information technology has become the basis of human life today. Globalization has brought major changes in the way humans live. These changes are driven by the increasing development of science and technology that have an impact on various sectors of life, including in the field of education. The design of learning media not only utilizes objects that can be found in everyday life but also utilizes the digital world. Facing this era, new literacy has emerged that utilizes digital to improve literacy skills. By having digital literacy, students are expected to be more critical and creative in choosing information. In the world of education, digital literacy plays a role as a developer of learning materials that encourage students' curiosity and creativity. Canva is one application that can be developed in the process of creating science learning media that really needs media as a delivery of information from abstract learning material content. The Canva application provides various interesting features that can make it easier for teachers to create learning media. The data presented is the result of research on the effectiveness of using the Canva application that has been conducted by previous researchers.


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How to Cite

Effectiveness of Using Canva Application as Learning Media in the Digitalization Era. (2024). AL FARABI : Journal of Educational Research, 1(1), 7-13. https://journal.alfarabibilingual.sch.id/index.php/alfarabi/article/view/2

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